Advances in Urological Diagnosis and Imaging (AUDI)

Vol 4 n .3 2021

Vol 4 n .2 2021

Vol 4 n .1 2021

Vol 3 n .3 2020

Vol 3 n .2 2020

Vol 3 n .1 2020

Vol 2 n .3 2019

Vol 2 n .2 2019

Vol 2 n .1 2019

Vol I, n. 2 2018

Vol I, n. 1 2018


Greetings from Advances in Urological Diagnosis and Imaging (AUDI)!

We invite scholars/Researchers to submit Research Paper, Review Articles, Articles, Case reports, Guidelines, Editorials, Abstracts and Congress proceedings in the areas related to research in diagnosis and imaging in Urology, Andrology and Nephrology and to innovative treatments as well.

Publication is free.

The authors can submit the manuscript by directly sending the soft copy of manuscript in Word.doc format to the Assistant Editor (, according to the attached “Instructions to Authors” of AUDI.

We thanks so much for your active cooperation and we really appreciate your contribution.


Andrea Galosi, President S.I.E.U.N.
Editor-in-Chief, Advances in Urological Diagnosis and Imaging (AUDI)

Pasquale Martino, Past President S.I.E.U.N.
Co-Editor, Advances in Urological Diagnosis and Imaging (AUDI)